Dec 26, 2010
Dec 24, 2010
Menuntutlah ilmu sehingga ke Negeri China
aku menuntut tidak sampai ke China
paling jauh pon aku menuntut ilmu ke Negeri Selangor
sedar x sedar da 8 thn aku di sini...
hihi... Selangor ooo Selangor...
PRIMARY school
SK Rusila, Marang
SM (A) Marang, Terengganu
SMK (A) Durian Guling, Marang
Maktab Tentera Di Raja ,KL
SMK Sultan Sulaiman, KTrg
Terengganu Skill & Development Center
Kolej University Islam Antarabangsa Selangor (KUIS)
selepas ini ape plan aku???
aku pon x pasti sama ada nk sambung blaja lagi or kerja terus...
ade hati nk amik Master.tapi dalam kepala ni nk kumpul duit plak..
bila da masuk kj, nnt masalah jugak...
sbbnye.... aku ni jd malas plak nk pgg buku semula...haha..
teruk bebenor kn...ape2 pon aku ade matlamat aku...
xsemestinya nk berjaya kene ade kelayakan tinggi kn..
pengalaman pon penting...
setakat aku bekerja sebelum ni..
boss tanye pandai ke x nk buat kerja di tmpt kj nye..
penah kj ape sblm ni & kat mane... tu je..
x tanye plak ade sijil ape2..
ape2 pon... belajar tu penting... ilmu tu perlu dituntut sehingga ke liang lahad...
semoga berjaya ke pilihan masing-masing..........
Dec 23, 2010
macam best je...
“........pengalaman adalah guru yang paling kejam..krn ia menguji dulu kemudian baru memberi pengajaran......”
“duit bukan segalanya tapi segalanya adalah duit!!! ”
“carilah dengan kesabaran,menerimalah dengan penuh keikhlasan”
“LoVe UrSeLf BeFoRe Ur MaDe LoVe FoR OtHeRsELf........”
“Impian untuk berjaya bermula dari mimpi, untuk bermimpi kita kena tidur.. zzzzz”
“~When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.~”
Dec 21, 2010
Gambar2 lucu...
got from Kanipmitosan. My Squad.
Ni adalah alat pelindung kepala yang terbaru keluaran Apollo
Mahluk asing??? Bukan... ni la orang yang terlampau obses dengan doremon..
This show how creative they are... Did you know how to make it???
Restoren terbaru... sambil buang air pon boleh order makan.. Cool rite...
Haaa... Sape tak tau benda ni????
Hahahhaa... semua gambar-gambar ni menarik rite??? Enjoy la......
Dec 20, 2010

The benefits
All of life is a journey.
So it would be sad if we focus so much on our destination that we lose track of the scenery around us. It doesn't have to be that way.
In a proven, powerful way, financial planning is a process that helps you 'stop a while and smell the roses' before moving on again toward your major lifetime goals.
Financial planning does this by providing a framework to make sense of an increasingly complex interlinked world. The process of financial planning provides direction, meaning and context to each financial decision.
In Chaos theory, scientists theorise that the merest flap of a butterfly's wings can cause a storm to erupt on the other side of the Earth. Less dramatically - but more relevantly - financial planning helps you understand how each financial decision you make affects all other areas of your finances. Everything is interconnected.
For instance, a decision to buy the wrong type of expensive insurance can leave you with too little money to invest for portfolio growth. Or too much emphasis on stock and unit trust investing may result in insufficient insurance being bought to protect your earning capacity. Or perhaps buying a particular investment might help you pay off your mortgage faster yet delay your retirement significantly.
Every case is different. Thus the best way to reap the benefits of financial planning is to apply it holistically to every sphere of your financial life. By viewing each financial decision as part of a whole, you can readily consider its short- and long-term effects on your most preciously held goals. An added dividend will be your enhanced capacity to adapt more readily to life's dynamic changes while remaining secure in the knowledge that you are firmly riding an electrified track toward each cherished dream.
(Adapted from )
Dec 18, 2010
Assignment Akidah & Akhlaq aku
Believe in Special Rewards in Islamic Prospect
What is belief is all about?
Belief is assent to a proposition or affirmation, or the acceptance of a fact, opinion, or assertion as real or true, without immediate personal knowledge; reliance upon word or testimony; partial or full assurance without positive knowledge or absolute certainty; persuasion; conviction; confidence; as, belief of a witness; the belief of our senses. Belief also is a persuasion of the truths of religion; faith.
“You cannot attain to righteousness unless you spend (in charity) out of what you love.”
The Holy Quran 3:92
Believe with the charity from special rewards is one of the belief that Muslims must trust because Allah S.W.T said will give to Muslims follow the instructions.
There is a relationship between Rewards Belief and some or the Rukun Iman which is :
a) Believe in Allah S.W.T
It is from Allah’s command and people must have a responsibility into it.
b) Believe in Angles
They as an eyewitness of what people will do and record all the things that people do. It is as an evidence in Rewards giving process.
c) Believe in Quran
It is formally written in Al-Quran that people with a lot of kindness will get a good reward whereas people on the other side will get a bad reward.
d) Believe in Rasul
Rasul as a Prophet, always guide. Inform, and remember people to truthful ways in order to get a special rewards from Allah S.W.T.
e) Believe in Hereafter
Allah creates heaven and hell. People with their iman will mingle to “heaven members” and vice versa. Besides, it helps in arbitrate process.
The Prophet has said: "Your charity to others is certainly misplaced if you have a near relative to deserve it." And "Giving charity to the poor hath the reward of one charity; but that given to kindred hath two rewards; one, the reward of charity, the other, the reward of helping relations."
In this phrase, the Prophet told us that people have to being kindness to others through a lot of charity.
The Prophet said: "No one today is the rising sun but there is a right and left of the sun: two angels are calling for the call is heard by all Allah's creatures except humans and jinn, he said:" O mankind! Let you all do good deeds to the Lord, truly income-bit and enough income to live in this world needs is better than a lot of revenues and supply neglect the Hereafter, and not the sun but there is a right left two Angels exclain by all Allah's creatures except humans and jinn, he said: "Our Lord! Give me a double-double damages to the person who poured the favors bestowed upon him in the way of the blessed Allah, and afflict them with seven big loss for those who hold the blessings of God out of the way demanded by Allah."
Abu ad-Dardaa 'r.a.
According this hadith, in the face of human life we must be careful, do not be fooled by things that distract ourselves from doing good deeds and especially matters relating to the property and how to spend it. Besides, in this hadith the Prophet said that every day there are two angels who call people to working with what is told and what is not allowed to leave to achieve Allah's pleasure. The Prophet remind us to take a daily income of memory that is obtained though a little but enough to live in this world needs, including wealth and other blessings that are actually better than a lot of income but distract people from doing good deeds and worship as a preparation for achieving happiness remain in the hereafter. Then, surely people who spend their wealth, knowledge and power in the way of Allah will always pray for the angels, may Allah reward the double-double for himself, instead of the miserly, prayed for suffer substantial losses.
Another Hadith said about charity benefits from special rewards is about the Islam. Islam is a religion that is noble and it glorifies its adherents.
Bukhari History :
Messenger of Allah said which means: "If any one of you do deeds that prove become Muslim as well as possible (and sincerely), then every good that is done will be written for him ten virtues that match up to seven hundred times and each Every single crime he did will be written for him (a crime) thatmatch."
This hadith explain about the proof that Islam is a big reward for all the good that is in any advantage or reward will not only be obtained with the mouth confession (confess Islam only) but will only be achieved by doing good deeds are honest and compassionate as Allah S.W.T. In Islam, ‘Ihsan’ is the key for Muslims to be best Muslims. ‘Ihsan’ means of worship and do something good to excellent, complete with all the regulations and to Allah is the net of false worship and the hypocrites and the clean nature of feeling seen, ‘ujub’ and so forth. In other words, goodwill is working on worship as if one sees Allah and believed that Allah is watching us.
Truly, Islam is beauty. It is because although other person do goodness from other resource, the owner of the resource also get rewards from Allah.
Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said, meaning: "When a woman spends most of its results without the consent of her husband, the husband of her half of the reward."
(Al-Bukhari and Muslim).
This hadith tell us that, people are also making good together with others will also receive a reward. The scholars' to allow her husband spend if it had been allowed by her husband, either openly or by ‘uruf’ (custom). However, for the production of some commonly done by the wife as giving alms to a beggar, or to feed the guests, it does not require the consent of the husband, but not too much can it occur, damaging property or up to the level of wastage.
The belief impact on our Akhlaq.
Believe the rewards will be given to providing a high motivation to Muslims to practice it without any coercion. Allah S.W.T rewarded in return for the Muslims who do good because this is the face of religious virtue.
Believe that the rewards from Allah S.W.T can make Muslims love to do good and welfare as a habit. Habits will be formed as a result of proper upbringing and Muslims are motivated to continue doing well.
Besides, Muslims will also be a community that works together for example bright in doing the work. If there is trust, people will continue to work together to do the job and to eliminate the serious laziness.
Then, as a result of these benefits, Muslims will calm(soul) because they believe the act is done sincerely for the help. We do not see the rewards that Allah has given as money seems worth. If money is a reward, people will do the job for the money and will probably cause the issue to a charity for the money. Allah is angry with men like this. When sincerity of heart, someone will believe that Allah S.W.T will reward him even slightly. Actually, humans are naturally greedy and envious of the advantages of others. So, with believe this can avoid this bad attitude.
With good deeds that were done, Allah S.W.T will help us make our business more easily because Allah S.W.T has promised, would help people who help others. This is one of the rewards from Allah.
If we believe the reward that Allah S.W.T gives, we will more easily accept the fact because God has promised to reward even directly. May Allah reward is not showing now, but God will also provide either the world or the hereafter. We do not see the rewards, but if we got the something unexpected, it is a reward from Allah. We must to thank Him.
Lastly, as Muslims we are required to always give thanks to God with thankful hearts because we are calm and pleased as well to believe that the provision was in the hands of Allah S.W.T. We must try to decide it was when Allah S.W.T even. Allah S.W.T has promised that the provision be added to those who are grateful for the people reject the other hand (no thanks).
Dec 13, 2010
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