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Kemaman, Terengganu, Malaysia
Lone Ranger

Jan 10, 2011

Mappicxs Pesentation at University Malaya on World Statistics Day. 20101009

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:


Please send this message to every Muslim you know... 

If you don't...
A Muslim somewhere in the world could be receiving false information about Islam. So prevent that from happening.

Beware of the following websites:
These sites have been developed by 
Who Intentionally are spreading 
wrong information about the QURAN , the HADITH and ISLAMitself. 
Please spread this information 
To all the Muslim brothers and sisters around the world. The list of traced anti- Islamic websites, about Islam are:

1. http://www.islamreview.com/ 
This site has posted fake stories of how Muslims converted to Christianity. How do I know? Read the following excerpt from one of the stories:
First the 'convert' says: (emphasis added)
In the end, I managed to convince my mother, as it was for Allah and I joined the Islamic College. Having graduated as an ustaz, I was soon posted to my neighbourhood…
And then:
My trip to Mecca for the Haj (pilgrimage) was tiring but eventful. I did not have the rare opportunity to see inside the holy Kabah and the holy idols inside, which Prophet Muhammud had helped to place, as explained in Bukhari's Hadith
An Ustaz (scholar) in Islaamic Studies is saying that there are idols inside the Kabah and that too placed by Muhammad (saw) himself!?!?!
This clearly shows that the author is deliberately trying to spread misinformation about Islaam and wants to convey to possible reverts to Islaam that it is religion of idol worship.
In fact most of the Christian sites use this tactic of false convert stories but it's not always possible to prove it


AlhamduliLlaah I was able to catch another site posting fake stories of Muslims leaving Islaam. See the false information imparted here. That the attempt is deliberate is known through the claim that the 'convert' has done detailed study about the topic.
For Islamic Education, I had to study about marriage in detail to do well. So, I learnt all the stuff and got the highest grade anyone can get for Islamic Education. And guess what? Because I know it so well, I know that there is a lot of discrimination against women in Islam. Things like a father and grandfather can marry a girl/woman to whomever they want even if the girl/woman doesn't want to marry that person… In addition, I learned things like women couldn't be witnesses in Syariah Courts and things like that . The first point here is a total lie whereas the second is a distorted version of the truth.

Here's yet another extract from a false convert story aimed at spreading misinformation about Islaam.
As I started thinking about my life and the Quran, I realized all Muslims, even the prophet Muhammad, would go to Hell for certain sins they committed in their lifetime.
This is a common ploy of the Christian Missionaries. They first inform gullible victims that Jesus (God) is Love and just by believing in the Crucifixion, you will be assured of Paradise. Whereas the concept of God in Islaam is so harsh that no one will be spared from Hell and that even Prophet Muhammad (saw) was not sure of where he would end up. For this purpose they quote an ayat of the Qur'aan out of context. Here there have gone a step further by saying that even our beloved Prophet (saw) would have to go through hell. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Anti Islaamic Sites under misleading names 

4. http://www.muslimhope.com/ 
5. http://www.islameyat.com/ 
6. http://www.islamreview.com 
7. http://www.muhammadanism.com/ 
8. http://thespiritofislam.com/index.html 
9. http://www.abrahamic-faith.com/ 
10. http://www.gnfcw.com/ 
11. http://www.knowislam.info/drupal/mno 
12. http://www.homa.org/ 
13. http://www.thequran.com/ 
14. http://www.allahassurance.com/ 
15. http://www.mosque.com/ 
16. http://thespiritofislam.com/index.html 
17. http://www.newislam.org/ 
Anti Islaamic Sites apparent even by name 
18. http://www.islam-exposed.org/ 
19. http://answering-islam.org.uk/ 
20. http://www.answeringinfidels.com/ 
21. http://www.islamundressed.com/ 
22. http://www.studytoanswer.net/myths_ch1.html 
23. http://www.challenging-islam.org/submissions/shariah.htm 
24. www.answering-islam.org 
25. http://www.islamundressed.com/ 
26. http://www.exmuslim.com/ 
27. http://www.answeringinfidels.com/ 
28. http://www.gnfcw.com/ 
29. http://www.dhimmi.com/ 
30. http://www.chick.com/information/religions/islam/ 
31. http://www.acage.org/ 
32. http://www.apostatesofislam.com/ 
33. http://www.secularislam.org/ 
34. http://www.muslim-refusenik.com/ 
35. http://www.icapi.org/ 
36. http://www.hesetsfree.org/ 
37. http://www.letusreason.org/Islamdir.htm 
38. http://www.kafirnation.com/ 
39. http://www.jihadwatch.org/ 
40. http://www.anti-cair-net.org/ 
41. http://apostatesofislam.com/ 
42. http://challenging-islam.org/ 
Always check the source of any Islamic web site even if it is very convincing
(The FURQAN QUR'AN)http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1579211755/qid%3D1096805827/102-4933271-2395342 
PLEASE DO NOT ignore this. 
FORWARD this to as many Muslims as you can. 
The new AMERICAN Qur'an: 
a dangerous trick. 
A new Quran 
is being distributed in Kuwait , titled 'The True 
Furqan'. It is being described as the verses of the 
Shaytan and Al-Furqan weekly magazine has found out that the two American companies  
'Omega 2001' 
and 'Wine Press' are involved in the publishing of 
' The True Furqan ', a book which has also been titled 
' The 21st Century Qur'an '! 
It is over 366 pages and is 
in both the Arabic and English languages...it is being 
distributed to our children in Kuwait in the private 
English schools! 
The book contains 77 Surats, which include Al-Fatiha, Al-Jana and Al-Injil. Instead of 
Bismillah, each Surat begins with a longer version of 
this incorporating the Christian belief of the three 
And this so called Qur'an opposes many Islamic 
beliefs. In one of its verses it describes having more 
than one wife as fornication, divorce being 
non-permissible and it uses a new system for the 
sharing out of the will, opposing the current one. It 
states that Jihad is HARAM. 
This book even goes as far as attacking God Almighty Allah!
All this is poisoning our children at approx. $3. 
Brothers and Sisters please make sure you forward this 
email to as many people as possible so that we can 
stop this dangerous trick. 
May Allah reward you. Ameen.
Thanks Regard

Jan 9, 2011

Citer Lawak :P

Citer 1Suami: Kenapa sayang menangis?
Isteri: Saya telah baca sebuah buku. Sad endinglah bang...
Suami: Buku apa?
Isteri: Buku bank abanglah..

Citer 2
Ader la sorang lelaki datang ke sebuah rumah untuk meminta derma untuk rumah orang-orang tua. Sorang budak pun membuka pintu.
Budak: Derma apa bang?
Lelaki: Derma untuk rumah orang-orang tua. Adik ada apa-apa untuk didermakan?
Budak: Nanti jap, saya ambikkan atuk saya.
Lelaki: ???

Citer 3
Tunang Farid, Siti, menelefonnya untuk memutuskan pertunangan mereka.
Farid: Mengapa?
Siti: Saya dah bosan ngan awak. Saya dah ada teman baru. Sebelum tu awak mesti kembalikan semua gambar saya.
Farid: Ok, tapi saya tak ingatlah yang mana satu gambar awak. Nanti awak pilihlah sendiri. Yang selebihnya kembalikan kepada saya.
Siti: Erkkkkkk... Benci!!!

Citer 4
3 orang menaiki motor dan ditahan polis trafik. Namun pemandu motor tersebut tidak berhenti. Katanya, "Tak muat dah Tok. Kami dah bertiga!"

Citer 5Seorang Tok Batin baru membeli motosikal Honda dan kebetulan dalam perjalanan pulang terserempak dengan kawannya yang ingin menumpang, lalu ditumpangkan kawannya itu. Dalam perjalanan, kawannya merasakan Tok Batin hanya mengunakan gear 1 sahaja, lalu bertanyalah kawannya itu:
Kawan Tok Batin: Kenapak kamu hanyak pakai gear 1 sahajak.
Tok Batin: Kalau rosak 1 gear adak 2 lagik gear.
Kawan Tok Batin: ???

Citer 6
Seorang posmen datang menghantar surat.
"Ni rumah Encik Sameon ke?"
"Ya saya."
"Pening kepala saya mencari alamat rumah Encik ni...."
"Buat susah aje Encik ni! Apasal tak pos aje?"

Citer 7
Kisah orang asli dan polis.
Orang Asli: Selamat pagi, tuan.
Polis: Selamat pagi. Apa hal.
Orang Asli: Saya nak buat repot, tuan.
Polis: Pasal apa tu?
Orang Asli: Kawan saya dibaham harimau.
Polis: Pukul berapa?
Orang Asli: Dia tak pukul, terkam.
Polis: Habis?
Orang Asli: Tak habis, tinggal kepala.

Citer 8
Seorang lelaki pergi ke klinik mata. Setelah matanya diperiksa, dia bertanya: " Doktor, lepas pakai cermin mata nanti, boleh ke saya membaca macam orang lain?" "Dah tentu", jawab doktor. "Oh, gembiranya. Dah
lama saya buta huruf, akhirnya boleh juga saya membaca", kata lelaki itu dengan riang.

Citer 9Seorang atok membawa cucunya ke pejabat pos untuk menghantar surat. Cucunya bertanya bila melihat atoknya memasukkan surat ke dalam tong berwarna merah.
"Atok buat apa tu?" "Atok bagi surat kat kawan atok, cu!" jawap atoknya. Cucunya bertanya lagi, "Apa bangang sangat kawan atok duduk dalam tong merah tu?"

Citer 10
Seorang pegawai polis masuk ke bilik mayat sebuah hospital untuk menyiasat punca kematian tiga lelaki sekaligus. Selepas memeriksa mayat-mayat itu, dia bertanya kepada penjaga bilik berkenaan.
Polis: Mengapa ketiga-tiga mayat tersenyum?
Penjaga: Lelaki pertama sedang bersanding, apabila tiba-tiba diserang strok. Lelaki kedua pula khabarnya menang loteri dan mati serangan sakit jantung manakala yang ketiga disambar petir.
Polis: Hah! Kenapa disambar petir pun tersenyum?
Penjaga: Masa tu dia ingat orang sedang ambil gambarnya...

Jan 7, 2011

better than ever

i'm learning to do the right thing at the right time,

 in the right way. i'm thinking to do better than ever. 

i must acting from reasoning rather than rule.

VEGA 137 Langkawi

akhirnye aku dapat gambar2 pergi program dekat Langkawi dl...
mmg best la.. bila ade gambar ni br ingt kenangan2 dl..hehe...
5 hari yg penuh cabaran dan pengalaman begitu memeritkan.
 hujan panas sejuk suma aku rase.
perkenalan dengan rakan2 dr negeri lain memberi kenangan dan mengikat ikatan. 

ni pic hari pertama. ice-breaking.

sebelum belayar.

aktiviti ats kapal.

di atas kapal. belajar  mengemudi kapal  dan isyarat2 semasa ats kapal.

 ni la kapalnye...

 sebelum berkayak pulau ke pulau

masak sendiri

dan byk lagi pics kt FB aku....ni nk share skit je...hehehe... tp mmg best... bila la ade mase lg..nk gak lg g sane...pengalaman sane mmg best...sgt best... berdikari....lgpon pengalaman menjelajah pulau tuba mmg best..
i miss this experiences...

Jan 6, 2011

Pandangan Ahli Akademik Mengenai Mappicxs

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Guiding Light

Pure Hearts and stumble
In my hands they crumble
And fragile and stripped to the core
I can't hurt you anymore
Loved by numbers
You loosing, life's wonder
And touch like strangers detached
I can feel you anymore

And sunshine, trapped in our hearts
It could rise again, but I'm lost
And crushed
I'm cold and confused with no guiding light left inside
You were guiding, light

And come from and wont come befouled I still reach for you
But I'm lost and I'm crushed
I'm cold and confused but not guiding light
You're my guiding, light.
You're my guiding, light.
There is no guiding, light left inside.
There's no guiding light in us.

Jan 3, 2011

My Personality Test

Custom Keirsey Temperament Report for: engku haniff
Your Keirsey Temperament Sorter Results indicates that your personality type is that of the   GUARDIANS

Guardians are the cornerstone of society, for they are the temperament given to serving and preserving our most important social institutions. Guardians have natural talent in managing goods and services--from supervision to maintenance and supply -- and they use all their skills to keep things running smoothly in their families, communities, schools, churches, hospitals, and businesses.
Guardians can have a lot of fun with their friends, but they are quite serious about their duties and responsibilities. Guardians take pride in being dependable and trustworthy; if there's a job to be done, they can be counted on to put their shoulder to the wheel. Guardians also believe in law and order, and sometimes worry that respect for authority, even a fundamental sense of right and wrong, is being lost. Perhaps this is why Guardians honor customs and traditions so strongly -- they are familiar patterns that help bring stability to our modern, fast-paced world.
Practical and down-to-earth, Guardians believe in following the rules and cooperating with others. They are not very comfortable winging it or blazing new trails; working steadily within the system is the Guardian way, for in the long run loyalty, discipline, and teamwork get the job done right. Guardians are meticulous about schedules and have a sharp eye for proper procedures. They are cautious about change, even though they know that change can be healthy for an institution. Better to go slowly, they say, and look before you leap.
Guardians make up as much as 40 to 45 percent of the population, and a good thing, because they usually end up doing all the indispensable but thankless jobs everyone else takes for granted.

Guardians at Work
As a Guardian, you enjoy working as a valued member of a team, whether you are leading it or following a credible leader. You like to work with people who carry their weight. You appreciate having clear-cut responsibilities and being recognized for your dedication and achievements. Your natural traits are those that employers have traditionally valued - and that successful companies still respect. You are responsible and loyal to an organization once you've signed on.
On the job, you seem to innately understand how to create smooth, working processes in your environment. You can excel at directing others to fulfill their duties. In your ideal workplace, you and your colleagues would know what is expected of you and be predictably rewarded for meeting these expectations.


1.   Tetapkan matlamat
51.Berkomunikasi dengan berkesan
2.   Buat senarai keutamaan
52.Elakkan drp bergaul dgn orang yang bersikap negatif
3.   Sediakan pernyataan tujuan hidup
53.Jaga kesihatan
4.   Buat susulan
54.Tenangkan fikiran dan badan
5.   Berserah kepada Tuhan
55.Buat pelaburan masa hadapan
6.   Usah merumitkan keadaan
56.Bersara awal
7.   Sentiasa berusaha membaiki diri dan keadaan
57.Yakin dan percaya
8.   Berhemat dan berjimat
58.Patuhi tataetika
9.   Hari ini hari istimewa
59.Luangkan masa untuk bersendirian
10.Catatkan pemikiran anda
60.Kenali diri anda
11.Kesabaran ada hikmahnya
12.Sentiasa berfikiran positif
13.Berani mengambil risiko
63.Tumpukan perhatian kepada kelebihan diri
14.Tabah dan tegas
64.Kenali erti keberanian
15.Perubahan itu perlu
65.Tanya diri sendiri
16.Pilih yang terbaik
66.Ambil jalan mudah
17.Semua manusia sama
67.Sentiasa mara ke hadapan
18.Anda jaguh
68.Biarkan semalam berlalu
19.Bawa keceriaan anda ke mana jua
69.Elakkan daripada …
20.Beri pujian
70.Hitung waktu…
21.Tidak bergantung kepada orang lain
71.Bertindak dengan berani
22.Jadi contoh yang baik
72.Girangkan hati
23.Kawal konflik
73.Ceburi bidang yang diminati
24.Gerak hati
74.Hargai pelanggan
25.Berani menghadapi perasaan takut
75.Jalin perhubungan
26.Mementingkan kesempurnaa
76.Bina  pasukan anda
27.Senang menyesuaikan diri
77.Berunding dengan yakin dan tegas
28.Berfikir untuk kemenangan
78.Berikan sesuatu dengan murah hati
29.Sentiasa berbangga
79.Sentiasa ringan tulang
30.Sentiasa berpendirian tegas
31.Jadilah wira
81.Banyak bertanya
32.Jaga maruah diri
82.Banyak bertanya karya biografi
33.Tumpukan perhatian
83.Sentiasa berfikiran terbuka
34.Sayang kepada kebendaan
84.Sedar akan batasan atau hadnya
35.Jaguh Cuma seorang
85.Perhati dan ketahui
36.Pupuk pembawaan diri yang sihat
86.Baca, baca dan baca
37.Bertindak mengikut perasaan anda
87.Hormati dan bela semua hak orang
38.Hargai diri anda yang menarik
88.Hormati perwira Negara
39.Sentiasa riang serta mudah ketawa
89.Hargai alam
40.Sentiasa bersyukur
90.Beri peluang kepada lawan anda
41.Tunjukkan kesetiaan
91.Berterima kasih kpd generasi terdahulu drp anda
42.Sentiasa bersedia memaafkan orang
92.Utamakan kedamaian
43.Tunjukkan kasih saying
93.Semua orang sama penting
44.Mengalah tidak bererti kalah
94.Murah hati
45.Pupuk bakat istimewa anda
95.Sama-sama mendapat nama
46.Jangan mudah berpuas hati
96.Perkenalkan prinsip-prinsip tindakan
47.Semai tabiat yang sihat
97.Tunjukkan teladan yang baik
48.Lakukan perkara yang orang lain tidak mampu buat
98.Ajar anak-anak kita untuk …
49.Bersedia untuk bekerja keras
99.Jadilah pembimbing
50.Bersedia untuk mengubah rancangan
100.Petua kejayaan

                                                                                  -di ambil dr buku motivasi-